Friday, January 13, 2012

Best Friend

According to Urban Dictionary a best friend is: "Two or more people who share everything with one another, knowing they can be trusted." I have spent a lot of time pondering with the idea of best friends and what best friends mean to me. To me a best friend is someone that you can count on and rely on to be there for you when you need them. They are someone who knows you better than anyone else and understand you no matter how irrational or insane you can be. Yet, best friends come and go just like most things in life. Growing up I had a best friend that I had known since I was little and she meant a lot to me. We spent all of our time together but as you get older people change. When a person changes so do the relationships and all that you can do is look fondly over all of the memories that had formed over years of friendship. People form new friendships all of the time, but it is rare to find that person that you can count on and know that you can always go to them when you need. So I have concluded that even though you may want to keep holding onto that person; the best thing you can do is look back and be proud of the friendship that you had and continue to keep those memories close to your heart, But life goes on. I have lost some pretty great best friends during the years but I still have my best friend by my side.

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